God is at work my friends through the life of First Lutheran Church. Mike Cutter of Cutter Construction is set to button up the Gilpin's home this Saturday and call for final inspections. The insulation goes in Friday, but the house is already 10 times warmer due to Mike's tremendous job of sealing up the basement with new blocks and new windows. The contractor was able to nearly double his efforts due to our church lobbying Jumpstart for more funding and Mike's kind-heartedness in providing free upgrades. Shawn and Mariann are very grateful of everyone's efforts! We are in conversation with the young family to find a time to have an open house and house blessing. We'd love to see you there!
This whole project has truly been a joy for me this summer and fall of 2009. It's a year I will never forget. At the start of the summer there were many tears and little hope. The Gilpins, the Boardmans, the Gruhn's, and my "Little Brother" Marcus' family sat in shelled out houses down to the studs (or worse), they faced a mountain of paperwork, they were filled with frustration at the process, and some wondered where God could be in all of this.
As you read these words, just a few short months later, ALL FOUR FAMILIES are back living in their homes. Isn't that amazing? The Holy Spirit filled the hearts of dozens of our church members to pitch in. You roofed, made lunches, scraped carpet, hauled junk, prayed fervently, and moved boxes. (Gosh, we moved a lot of stuff this summer! Let it be known I hate moving.) The Spirit sent us every thing we needed just when we needed it including angels with hammers and paintbrushes from cities around the country. The Spirit gave me strength and wisdom to do something I've never done before - coordinate building a house! I am so grateful to God for all of you. May you be filled with blessings beyond what your heart can hold this holiday. To God be the glory!