Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Camp Noah Day 3 Reigns in Star Power

The childrens' faces lit up this morning when TV9's Joe Winters strolled into the building in a crisp purple shirt and tie. "Is that really Joe Winters!?" one child exclaimed. "Yes, it really is!" replied one counselor. The kids ran to his side, shook his hand, and posed for pictures. Joe talked to the kids for nearly an hour about the astronomically low chances of another devatstating flood, how to deal with severe weather in general, and how he puts his faith to work from his weather seat. He said whenever a storm hits, he prays before he goes on-air for all the people involved and their safety. Joe also mentioned how the disciples got scared in the boat (just like the kids in Cedar Rapids), but Joe reminded the kids that Jesus woke up and told his friends not to worry and that God is in control! It was a stunning witness.

Ironically, KGAN also dropped by to do a news story when Joe was here. Click here to see the story:

The pet therapy animals from St. Luke's hospital dropped by after KGAN left. The kids also played more games, sang songs and danced, and brought in pictures of flood memories for their
Wall of Remembrance.

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