Thursday, June 24, 2010

Borders Dissolve in Worship

The dark line on the map marking the border between Iowa and Nebraska grew a little lighter Thursday night in Cedar Rapids. Our new friends from Omaha joined us for a party, BBQ, and at their request a spirit-filled worship filled with familiar hymns and a holy meal. We celebrated an amazing week together of growth in many ways. They came to us as a group of complete strangers just five short days ago and they leave tomorrow as lifelong friends. These brothers and sisters in Christ helped rebuild two homes in our community and they selflessly painted and mowed several others. They helped at the Mission of Hope, at Crossroads Mission, and around our church. They laughed, they prayed, they even sustained a few bumps and bruises, but most of all I think they grew spiritually. The will be the focus of my sermon this weekend as they have learned to walk the path that leads to the narrow door that Jesus talks about in Luke 13. They are the living hands and feet of Jesus Christ. After our fun BBQ with some people from First Lutheran, it was a pleasure for me to preach and preside over holy communion with them tonight. The people from Nebraska have such good hearts. They give me hope for our future as a city on the mend. Dare I say it, Go Big Red.

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